Astro Diary 2025 *SOLD OUT*
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Travelling with the Sun~Guided by the Stars~Unfolding Destiny on Earth
21st December 2024 – 31st December 2025
This is an invitation to experience and deepen your understanding of Astrology. Discover and experience how celestial influences are expressed in your life as you are guided through the year. Deepen your intuition through the practice of connecting and working with the Planets as they travel through the Zodiac. Once filled the Astro Diary will become an Almanac of your Soul’s journey, filled with the thoughts, feelings and tales of your deeds as your Destiny unfolds.
An invaluable record for all Astrology lovers who want to deepen their knowing and practical understanding of this ancient art.
Author & Artist Ariel Korobacz is an artist and an astrologer who lives in the deep south of Tasmania where she runs an intimate Studio/Gallery – keeping company with her cat and dog and whomever swings by. A big part of her motivation in creating the Astro Diary was to create a non-digital space where Astrological information is provided. A place where, instead of scrolling, we can flick through pages to find out when the next New Moon is.